Friday, April 20, 2012

Day One-100 days of design-Cataloguing the collection

Waa hoo! Tonight is the first night of the 100 project. Cataloguing the 'collection' starts. But tonight, of all nights, Blogger has changed stuff about how it works and I am struggling to work out how to load and work with new posts! Oh well, it may be a 'simple' post this first time. Got this dress for $5 a couple of weeks back on K'Road in Auckland. I am picking it is 1960's or early 70's?I used to live just off K'Road 20 years ago doing a Political Studies degree...a long way from where I am now, living on a farmlet on the side of Mount Taranaki and teaching 5 year olds. I love the zip front of this dress and the big functional pockets.  I hate pink, so wearing the dress is a problem for me...but it is functional and as a Capricorn I like that. I wore it today and Clyde took the photo. Each day for 100 days  a new retro outfit from the collection will be posted and a new person will be asked to take a photo of the detail they like.
Photo by Clyde

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