Friday, June 13, 2014

Bird baths

Having great fun playing around with the engineering of bird baths. This is a proto type. So when the bath fills up in our wet winter weather it becomes a water feature with the water spilling out the mouth.  Such fun! Jess Loves drinking out of it....


  1. I want one. Beautiful!

  2. Hi Deborah,
    Great blog!!
    I wanted to ask if you know where I can fire clay in a kiln in the area. I teach at Opunake Primary and we have been doing a clay making project but struggling to find a kiln: one at IHC not used now. If you can help in any way please post on our blog:

  3. Hi Deborah,
    Great blog!!
    I wanted to ask if you know where I can fire clay in a kiln in the area. I teach at Opunake Primary and we have been doing a clay making project but struggling to find a kiln: one at IHC not used now. If you can help in any way please post on our blog:

  4. Vous vous demandez peut-être comment, mais l'encouragement est de plusieurs façons. Oui, il n'y a pas de paiement ou d'achat, mais un artiste est toujours heureux quand il y a des gens qui aiment regarder leurs œuvres. Pascal Robaglia & Pascal Robaglia Ce sera génial si un artiste reçoit de nombreuses personnes qui ont des opinions différentes. La critique les fait grandir.
